Pied Piper

I don’t play the pipe. I don’t play any instrument unless you count self-taught piano, good enough for my kids and really (really) drunk people to cheer but I’ll take it! I do however, talk to strangers, which in my experience is enough for them to follow you home. In some cases I don’t even talk to them and they still follow me. I don’t know why, my best guess is eye contact and a smile go a long way.

Not everyone follows me home, some are happy to sit and chat for a while in a park, or grab a coffee and then go back to their lives. I have on occasion offered my home to some for a few hours (or more), and while people think that’s nuts and I’m sure hate that they’re on my “hey, I have this stranger in my house so if anything happens to me here’s a picture of them” distribution list, I’d like to hope when they’re sitting in church on Sunday listening to ‘give them shelter’ the irony resonates.

God is in everyone you meet. I can’t remember where I heard that but it’s one of those things that’s always been a water rod for me. You can learn something from everyone, even the guy that pees on your shoes while you’re searching for change to give him. I’m not really sure what I learned from him except to stand back a little and that I am blessed  I have a bathroom. Oh, and on the rare (come on, don’t act all shocked. If you’ve given birth you get it) occasion that I pee myself, have laundry machines.

I’ve learned I have a lot in common with a guy that lives under a bridge in San Francisco. We both have similar thoughts on religion, politics, and consumerism in America. At least one of his personalities and I got along quite well until the other one showed up. I also learned that every day I wake up without my career and family ruined by uncontrollable schizophrenia is pretty good and something to be grateful for.

I’ve had some amazing experiences that started from talking to strangers. Job offers (I know what you’re thinking and no not THAT kind of job….although if I think hard enough maybe that kind of job too), invitations to events, making new friends, and once I was even offered a spot on a tour bus while waiting outside a show for the rest of my group. I still wonder what might have been….

My friends and family don’t much care for the wandering and socializing but nothing ‘really’ bad has happened to me with strangers yet that I remember. I run fairly fast and have a considerable amount of luck. The worse things that have ever happened to me were done by people I know. Sadly. Wow that’s one of those aha moments right there. I think of it this way – I’m middle-aged and have made it this far with, I’m assuming, the worst decades of debauchery behind me. Although I hear 70’s are the new 20’s so will have to report back when I’m retired, traveling, and not able to run as fast.

Oh shoot, I just thought of a recent incident involving a group of drunk Hungarians for some reason wanting to put me in a dumpster, that I wouldn’t call a “bad” situation but could have been I suppose. I learned to be grateful I wasn’t alone that time (and that my friend is really strong). And a not so recent incident with a gang in NY. Thankfully luck showed up as a cop at just the right time on that one.

I loved debating with Nick in Scotland, making Anna from Germany’s last night in the US so much better than it was going before we started talking, and meeting The Rev Horton Heat’s groupies. And all the little insights I’ve gained from the people I’ve met whose names I never got or don’t remember are threads in the fabric and equally beautiful. I hope that if I ever find myself homeless or just lost at least one person makes eye contact and sees humanity not danger.

3 thoughts on “Pied Piper

  1. I was willing to save you from the Hungarians, but after you bolted from the hotel lobby and back onto the streets of San Fran at 2 am, after I worked SO HARD to get you in the door, well, eff it, I was going to bed…

    I’m glad you survived though!


  2. Even if you choose to deny it, you are a piper. This beautiful post is evidence. You’re a piper listening to that different drum. It’s a wonderfully human trait, or if you really are an alien, a wonderful alien trait.

    I’d follow you home any day!


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